Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jesus Take the Wheel

Life at times spins out of our control at most times when we least expect it.  We may lose our job.  We may know a family member or friend that has turn to negative solutions for their problems.  We may have just recently lost someone. We may have just been given some sort of horrible news.  Whatever the reason we have all felt that feeling and have turned our heads to heaven and ask God those seven words, "why are you doing this to me?" You're probably nodding your head now saying yep I've done that before. Trust me, I'm right with you.

Too many times I've had life spin out of control.  Too many times have I asked God why.  But recently I just realized that instead of just blaming God and asking why he is doing something, I should just put all my worries and fears into his hands.  I have this thing where I worry uncontrollably about certain things and at times I get really upset and don't know how to handle the situation.  There have been many nights that I would sit up just thinking about if this happen or that or if I could prevented that event.  One day, about a week or two ago, I was driving in the car and just happened upon 99.5 (the country channel) and Carrie Underwood's song "Jesus Take the Wheel" came on.  For some reason right then and there an idea popped in my head.

As that song ended I turned the radio off and in the quietness of the car I spoke the words "Lord I'm letting you take the wheel.  I putting you in control of my life".  Couple of day later when I was upset about something and said those words and instantly I calmed down.  Mom, who saw me upset earlier, asked if I was okay.  I told her, "Mommy, I told Jesus to take control.  If he wants it to happen it'll happen, if he doesn't I understand."

For the rest of my life, when things get out of control I will let Jesus take the wheel and take control of my life.  I urge you to try this as well.  Let Jesus take control and lead you.

 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." ~John 14:1

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